Prior to becoming a mom, I would see parents use what I thought of as “dog leashes” on their kids out in public. I know the parents were doing it to keep the kids safe and out of the danger of running off, but I would always look at them in and think, “how could you put your child on a leash? What a cruel, lazy parents.”
Was that the truth? Or the ignorance of a childless adult? Who knows. I find myself in this dilemma now. Drew is very active and loves to run and when we are out, he fights being in his stroller. He wants to walk on his own, which at time is OK, if I can control the environment he is in, but other times, it’s not that easy.
Over the last several months, I’ve seen parents with these stuff animal backpack harness (see photo to the side). The kids who have them on always see happy and the parents seem relaxed, without the worry of their child running off. So do I break down and get one for Drew, knowing that we have a summer full of outings planned and that he’d be happier out of the stroller? Or do stick to my old way of thinking and not “leash” my child under any circumstances?