There’s got to be an easier way??? Every morning I cross my fingers that Drew will sleep long enough to let me grab a quick shower (I’m becoming a pro at this…can do it in under two minutes) blow dry my hair and get dressed before he’s ready to be held or else…yes, or else! My son is just a slightly bit, well…spoiled and in the morning when he wakes up he likes to be held and rocked and if he doesn’t get that attention, well no one is getting any peace. Some days I’m lucky and I make it all the way through the shower and the blow drying of the hair before he’s up. But then other days he’s up the moment I step out of bed and he’s not interested in the fact that I have to go to work or that my co-workers would prefer me to shower before coming in. He doesn’t care that mommy’s hair is long and takes several minute to blow dry and he could really careless that although I’d love too, a ponytail to work everyday just doesn’t work. I know what you’re thinking….where’s Mike?, why can’t he take Drew while you get dressed?…well Mike likes his sleep. He doesn’t just like it, he loves it and he thinks that he needs a lot of it. You get the point, right? So if I do hand Drew off to his sleeping daddy in the morning, there’s really no change. Mike continues to sleep while Drew lays there and continues to cry….the upside is none of my neighbors will need their alarm clocks anymore!
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