Drew is on the move now more than ever. Either with his version of crawling or in his walker. This weekend we decided it was time to baby proof the house, which meant a gate, outlet covers, cabinet hooks and putting away anything that little hands can grab. However that still doesn't stop me from pulling a stupid move and endangering Drew. My first big mommy scare since he left the NICU happened on Sunday. I was cleaning the hardwood floor in the livingroom, Mike was outside cutting the grass and Drew was in his walker. I put the cap to the cleaning stuff on the coffee table and started cleaning. Next thing I know I turned around and Drew had the cap in his mouth. My heart sank! I grabbed it, grabbed him and ran to the sink. I started washing his mouth out with water. I called his doctor's exchange and told the nurse what happened. She informed me that he would be fine and just give him a bottle of water and make him drink it. Well, he is fine, but his mom wasn't. I'm better now but I know to be more aware. Little hands can be every where and nothing is safe. Just think how many more times I'll screw up before he's old enough to take care of himself...pretty scary!
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