Last year at this time I was bringing home my little boy from the NICU. He had spent two weeks there, without me, which was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. He was so tiny and helpless, and at the time I had no idea how to care for him or if I’d be good at taking care of him.
Wow, how much a year changes things! Today, this tiny little helpless boy is no longer. He’s now a strong, which I’m reminded of everyday when he pulls my hair, healthy and happy big boy!
What a wonderful combination!
What a difference a year makes. That was scary, but he's looking great now. So big!
hey woman! what an adorable little boy!...the sippy cups we use are NUBY. i have gotten them at target and babies r us! they are great and perfect for our kiddies! hope this helps!
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