Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve updated to the blog…sorry, we’ve been busy!!! So since I’m using this as my baby book for Drew, I’m going to add a few things on here, just for me. Since December, Drew started a new preschool. He’s doing great and loves it. He still cries when I leave in the morning, but by the time I’m out the door, he’s fine.
We are STILL having issues with sleep. He hates taking naps, fights me the entire time and usually ends up so sleepy that he just falls out around 4 p.m. The same thing happens at night. He fights it. And is usually up until way after 9 p.m., plus he hates sleeping in his toddler bed….I’m out of tricks. So on March 4 I’m going to listen to a sleep expert talk. The lecture is offered through Parents As Teachers and I’m REALLY hoping for a miracle!!!!
Other Drew updates: He now can count to 7, he will repeat his ABCs, he knows the colors red, blue, green, purple and yellow. He has trouble with orange, thinking it’s red, but we are working on it. He loves looking at books. And his favorite thing to watch is hockey.
At his late doctors visit, which was on Feb. 20, he was 26 pounds 8 ounces. He’s still tall and very skinny, but he’s eating well. He still has problems eating most meat, outside of chicken nuggets and hot dogs. He eats plenty of fruits and vegetables. He loves pasta. But his favorite thing at this moment is cupcakes…he really just likes the icing, but he always wants a cupcake.
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