Wednesday, September 10, 2008

bumps and television

Drew is crawling now and I think it's great that he can start to explore and discover new things, but with that comes bumps and bruises. My instinct is to protect him and not allow him to get hurt, which would then mean not allowing him to crawl around or learn to pull himself up to a sit position-things he is doing very well these days-but with that comes trial and error and in his case, falls and bumps. I know it's all part of allowing him to grow up and I guess that's the hard part, so fast has he become this little independent person and I still remember the little bitty baby who wanted me to hold him all the time.

I always said I didn't want to be one of those parents that puts their child in front of the television all the time. And I still don't, unless it is educational and even that needs to be in moderation. Since he was about three months old, Drew has watched Baby Einstein videos because they are educational, but lately he's become VERY interested in a new cartoon on the Nickelodeon Jr. channel called Noggin. The show is the Wonder Pets, he's crazy about it. When we turn it on, he screams with delight at the screen. He smiles and stares at the show as if he really is following the storyline, which is all about team work and helping others, and so I'm OK with him watching this, because at least while he's vegging out in front of the tube he's learning a few good qualities.

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