Friday, February 20, 2009

The daycare curse

Well I knew it would happen once Drew started daycare, but I didn't think it would happen this soon....Drew is sick! Those darn daycare kids gave him germs! Just kidding. He has a slight fever and a really bad runny nose, so today he's at my mother-in-laws so he doesn't infect the other kids, plus he'll get a little extra T-L-C.

Even with the fever and runny nose, Drew is loving daycare so far. He's made a friend named Aiden and he's playing nicely, something I was afraid he wouldn't be good at since he's an only child who has really never been around kids. The teachers at the center are so nice and he really seems to be well taken care of and looked after. So with that said, I guess we can look past this little "germ" incident this one time! Ha.

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