Thursday, March 13, 2008

"A Hard Day's Night"

"A Hard Day's Night" was a hit song for The Beatles in 1964, way before my time, but the phrase is taking on a much different meaning for me these days. Up until a few months ago this phrase would have meant several things to me, all of which had to do with working and living life to the fullest. Working hard at your career and working hard at making your life fulfilled…I know, it’s kind of deep…but now this phrase means long days and being up all night…with Drew! At 10 weeks old he is still not sleeping through the night. Some nights I get lucky and he’ll have an evening bottle around 10 p.m. and maybe not wake up until 2 a.m…..that’s a lucky night. The not so lucky nights are when he’s up at midnight, 2 a.m., 3:30 a.m. and 5 a.m…..that’s “A Hard Day’s Night.”

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